View Related Constants, Consistency & the Removal of Slack Video-Tutorial
The conscious action of removing "Slack" from a baseball pitching-delivery together with stated relationship between that conscious removal in establishing and achieving "Constants" within and "Consistency" of execution of a baseball pitching-delivery is original in source to Outman Methodology™ for Pitching a Baseball on the Vertical Plane and Fritz Outman.
IN MY COMPOSITION "The Biological "Machine", I point out that the human physiology is not a piece of machinery that is engineered and rigidly fashioned to accomplish a single task employing steel, bolts, nuts and welds to secure it in its single-task configuration.
THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY IS, HOWEVER, a "machine"...a biological "machine".
IN CONTRAST TO A PIECE OF MACHINERY, the biological "machine" that is the human physiology is flexible (as opposed to rigid), is adaptable to accomplishing manifold variety of tasks (as opposed to restricted to accomplishing a single task) and (as opposed to employing steel, bolts, nuts and welds to secure its configuration) the human physiology employs muscles of the body to secure its configuration for accomplishment of a given task.
PITCHING A BASEBALL is just one of the manifold variety of tasks that the human physiology can be configured to accomplish.
IN CONTRAST TO A PIECE OF MACHINERY, the biological "machine" that is the human physiology is flexible (as opposed to rigid), is adaptable to accomplishing manifold variety of tasks (as opposed to restricted to accomplishing a single task) and (as opposed to employing steel, bolts, nuts and welds to secure its configuration) the human physiology employs muscles of the body to secure its configuration for accomplishment of a given task.
PITCHING A BASEBALL is just one of the manifold variety of tasks that the human physiology can be configured to accomplish.
SO, what does that biological "machine" business have to do with constants & consistency?
AND, what the heck is slack?
FIRST, WHETHER IT IS in relationship to constants & consistency or slack, in the operation of the human physiology, which is a biological "machine", muscles (and muscle groups) move bones!
ADDITIONALLY, MUSCLES (and muscle groups) by way of bone movement, move MUSCLES (and muscle groups).
VARIABLES produce variability of result or, stated alternatively, variables produce inconsistency of result in execution of a pitching-delivery.
RELATIVE TO CORRECT EXECUTION of each pitching-delivery (in specific reference to correct execution of my methodology for pitching a baseball), I am interested in pitching-delivery execution-related CONSTANTS, which directly contribute to producing pitching-delivery CONSISTENCY of high-level-performance outcome.
A BASEBALL PITCHING-DELIVERY (with specific reference to a Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the vertical plane pitching-delivery) is composed of four major segments:
FIRST, WHETHER IT IS in relationship to constants & consistency or slack, in the operation of the human physiology, which is a biological "machine", muscles (and muscle groups) move bones!
ADDITIONALLY, MUSCLES (and muscle groups) by way of bone movement, move MUSCLES (and muscle groups).
NOW, about SLACK.
INDIVIDUAL MUSCLES and muscle groups have three separate lengths.
1) Relaxed Length,
2) Flexed/Contracted Length, and
3) Stretched Length (by reason of a given muscle or muscle group being acted on through contraction of an opposing muscle or muscle group i.e. the Biceps muscles on one of an individual's arms being stretched by reason of contracting the Triceps muscles on the same arm, or vice versa).
I CHARACTERIZE the difference between the relaxed length of a muscle (or muscle group) and the flexed/contracted length of a muscle (or muscle group) and the difference between the relaxed length of a muscle (or muscle group) and the stretched length of a muscle (or muscle group) as SLACK.
THE MUSCLE-MOVED BONES IN QUESTION can be joints or individual bones (specifically, the Scapulae), which means that JOINTS have individual ranges of motion and those INDIVIDUAL BONES have a range of movement that results from contracting and relaxing a given attached/controlling muscle (or muscle group).
I CHARACTERIZE the difference between one limit of the range of motion of a given joint and the opposite limit of the range of motion of that joint as SLACK.
ALSO, I CHARACTERIZE THE SPACE between the end-points of movement that a given bone can traverse when acted on by contracting and relaxing a given muscle (or muscle group) as SLACK.
SO, what's the big deal about SLACK?
THE "BIG DEAL" is that slack (as I characterize it), whether associated with a muscle, a muscle group, a joint or an individual bone, represents positioning variables (degrees of positioning) relative to execution of a pitching-delivery.
RELATIVE TO CORRECT EXECUTION of each pitching-delivery (in specific reference to correct execution of my methodology for pitching a baseball), I am interested in pitching-delivery execution-related CONSTANTS, which directly contribute to producing pitching-delivery CONSISTENCY of high-level-performance outcome.
A BASEBALL PITCHING-DELIVERY (with specific reference to a Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the vertical plane pitching-delivery) is composed of four major segments:
a) ORIENTING THE BODY OF THE PITCHER at the "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" (distance between the front pivot-Foot and rear pivot-Foot), including "SET" ("First Moment of Greatest Leverage") , in preparation for/in setting the foundation for initiating Rotational Acceleration,
b) DELIVERING GLOVE-ARM AND PITCHING-ARM to there respective "final ready positions" relative to initiating an Overhand Tennis Serve ("The Second Moment of Greatest Leverage") from "SET".
c) INITIATING AND EXECUTING Rotational Acceleration to the "Third Moment of Greatest Leverage" and through the release-point of the baseball from the hand of the pitcher (again, through "serving" the ball consistent with Overhand Tennis Serve Technique), and
d) EXECUTING "FOLLOW-THROUGH" of the body of the pitcher after release of the baseball from the hand of the pitcher, which occurs in result of torque and torsion produced through and in result of rotational acceleration.
RELATIVE TO "slack" and constants & consistency, only "a", "b" & "c" above are relevant to this composition.
IN GENERAL, MANIFOLD MANNERS EXIST in which to orient the body of the pitcher at "SET" in preparation for/in setting the foundation for delivering the body of the pitcher to the point in the pitching-delivery of initiating Rotational Acceleration.
HOWEVER, WHAT IF YOU WANT to orient the body of the pitcher at "SET" in preparation for/in setting the foundation for and, then, to deliver the body of the pitcher to the point in the pitching-delivery of initiating Rotational Acceleration in a specific manner toward the goal of achieving pitching-delivery execution-related constants and producing, thereby, pitching-delivery consistency of high-level-performance outcome?
HOWEVER, WHAT IF YOU WANT to orient the body of the pitcher at "SET" in preparation for/in setting the foundation for and, then, to deliver the body of the pitcher to the point in the pitching-delivery of initiating Rotational Acceleration in a specific manner toward the goal of achieving pitching-delivery execution-related constants and producing, thereby, pitching-delivery consistency of high-level-performance outcome?
FACTUALLY, INITIATING AND EXECUTING Rotational Acceleration and "Follow-Through" to the release-point of the baseball from the hand of the pitcher in execution of a pitching-delivery utilizes (is afforded) very limited physical space.
IN LIGHT OF THE FACT STATED IN THE ABOVE PARAGRAPH, WHAT IF A GIVEN ELEMENT critical to correct execution of Rotational Acceleration & "Follow-Through" to the release-point of the baseball from the hand of the pitcher (which element would, of necessity, involve muscle and/or muscle group flexing & stretching, a joint and/or an individual bone) requires physical space to traverse the degree of slack associated with a given positioning of a muscle, a muscle group, a joint and/or a bone that exceeds the actual physical space available to be utilized from initiation of Rotational Acceleration to the release-point of the baseball from the hand of the pitcher in execution of a pitching-delivery?
IN THAT CASE, AN OBVIOUS MISMATCH EXISTS between actual available physical space in which to execute a pitching-delivery "correctly" and the physical space needed (lacking) owing to the specific positioning associated slack.
OWING TO THE EXISTENCE OF THAT SLACK, it will be impossible correctly to execute that pitching-delivery defeating, thereby, any notion of achieving pitching-delivery execution-related CONSTANTS and producing, thereby, pitching-delivery CONSISTENCY of high-level-performance outcome.
WHETHER in orienting the body of the pitcher at "SET" in preparation for/in setting the foundation for delivering the body of the pitcher from "SET" to the point in the pitching-delivery of initiating Rotational Acceleration; whether in actual delivery of the body of the pitcher from "SET" to the point in the pitching-delivery of initiating Rotational Acceleration; or whether in causing the physical space required to execute a given element critical to correct execution of Rotational Acceleration and "Follow-Through" to the release-point of the baseball from the hand of the pitcher to fall within the range of the actual physical space available to execute the pitching-delivery from initiation of Rotational Acceleration to the release-point of the baseball from the hand of the pitcher (whatever be the case), all SLACK must be removed from the pitching-delivery!
BY SUFFICIENTLY & CORRECTLY FLEXING/CONTRACTING SPECIFIC MUSCLES OR MUSCLE GROUPS TO REMOVE SLACK from the range of movement or motion of opposing muscles or muscle groups, from joints and/or from an individual bone.
TO REPLACE VARIABLES WITH pitching-delivery execution-related CONSTANTS and, thereby, to replace variability/inconsistency with pitching-delivery CONSISTENCY of high-level-performance outcome. THAT'S WHY.
LASTLY, removing slack (which equates to a waste of available physical space) creates greater usable space within the actual physical space available for creating and applying accelerating force to the surface of the baseball through execution of Rotational Acceleration to the release-point of the baseball from the pitching-Hand of, which results in two major pitching-performance-factors related benefits.
ONE OF THOSE TWO pitching-performance-factors related benefits of greater usable physical space through which to create and apply accelerating force is enhanced pitching velocity achieved.
REMEMBER (paraphrasing), the longer accelerating force is applied to an object (the baseball), the higher the velocity of that object (the baseball) once accelerating force ceases to be applied. Removing slack creates greater opportunity to apply accelerating force to the baseball during Rotational Acceleration.
ANOTHER OF THOSE TWO MAJOR pitching-performance-factors related benefits of greater usable physical space through which to execute Rotational Acceleration and "Follow-Through" to the release-point of the baseball from the pitching-Hand of the pitcher is movement (more movement, more sharply breaking movement, nearer to the batter movement) of the pitched baseball on its flight to the catcher.
DECADES AGO I RECOGNIZED A DIRECT CORRELATION between the degree of physical rotation of the body of the pitcher achieved in the direction of the catcher before release of the baseball from the pitching-Hand and the amount of rotation imparted to the baseball by the fingertips of the pitching-Hand of the pitcher.
THE GREATER the physical rotation of the body of the pitcher achieved in the direction of the catcher before release of the baseball from the pitching-Hand of the pitcher, the more rotation imparted to the baseball by the fingertips of the pitching-Hand.
THE MORE ROTATION imparted to the baseball by the fingertips of the pitching-Hand, the higher the quality of movement the pitched-baseball will exhibit on its flight to the catcher.
THAT GREATER USABLE PHYSICAL SPACE through which to execute Rotational Acceleration and "Follow-Through" to the release-point of the baseball from the pitching-Hand of the pitcher created by removing slack allows the body of the pitcher to rotate more greatly in the direction of the catcher in execution of Rotational Acceleration and "Follow-Through" to the release-point of the baseball from the pitching-Hand of the pitcher.
SO, IN SUM, by removing slack, all of the pitching-performance-factors are covered.
REMOVING SLACK creates constants & consistency...command, in other words.
COMMAND is one of the three pitching-performance-factors.
ADDITIONALLY, in creating greater physical space through which to execute Rotational Acceleration and "Follow-Through" to the release-point of the baseball from the pitching-Hand of the pitcher, the two other pitching-performance-factors, velocity and movement are likewise effected positively...enhanced.
NO EMPLOY OF THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY removes "slack" better, creates constants better and, therefore, produces consistency of outcome better than Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the vertical plane!
NO EMPLOY OF THE HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY removes "slack" better, creates constants better and, therefore, produces consistency of outcome better than Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the vertical plane!
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