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24-Deficiencies and Hazards of Long-Stride---By Fritz Outman


Deficiencies and Hazards of Long-Stride/Wide-Base Conventional Baseball Pitching-Mechanics---By Fritz Outman


The Triangle is the strongest and, with specific reference to the length/width of its Base in relationship to its Altitude, potentially the most stable of geometric shapes/figures, for which cause it is employed architecturally.

A Triangle is the geometric shape/figure formed (in irregular approximation) by the combination of the legs of a pitcher and the ground as a pitcher strides/steps in the direction of the catcher in execution of a baseball pitching-delivery, with the distance between the feet of the pitcher on the ground forming the Base of that Triangle.

The longer/wider the Base of a given Triangle  in relationship to the Altitude of a given Triangle, the more stable (the more resistant to positional-alteration) will be that particular Triangle in line with its Base.


Long-stride, current (meaning the past 25 years, or a bit more, as of the date of this composition) conventional baseball pitching-mechanics produces a long/wide (and, therefore, inherently, a very positional-alteration resistant) Base of the Triangle in relationship to the produced Altitude.

In consequence, the long/wide Base of the Triangle produced by conventional baseball pitching-mechanics unavoidably requires, necessitates that the pitcher engage in physical actions forcibly to overcome that inherent, positional-alteration resistance toward accomplishing Pelvic rotation as well as toward executing the remainder of each pitching-delivery, which positional-alteration resistance combined with the forcible exertion necessary to overcome that resistance immediately, adversely affects pitching-performance factors and cumulatively damages the health of the pitcher. 


Regarding the health of the pitcher, conventional baseball pitching-mechanics a) is directly, causally related to the unfortunately common destruction of Elbows of the pitching-arm (requiring what is broadly referred to as "Tommy John" surgery), b) is directly, causally related to the, also, unfortunately all too common destruction of the pitching-side Shoulder (requiring varying degrees of reconstructive Shoulder surgery) and  c) is directly, causally related to the increasing occurrence of the development of Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (which requires major surgery to address), 

ALL of the above noted surgeries are complex and painful requiring extended healing, recovery and rehabilitation AND are not 100% successful restoratively! 

Moreover, very concerning (it should be very concerning to all involved with the sport of baseball) and predictable is the increase in all manner of additional, of other types of pitching-related injuries to the pitching-Arm (i.e. Biceps & Triceps strains and tears), to the Torso of the body (i.e. Abdominal, Latissimus dorsi & Trapezius muscles strains & tears) and to the lower extremities of the body (i.e. Ankle, Knee, Calf, Hamstring, Quadriceps, Groin & Gluteal sprains, strains, pulls & tears) directly, causally related to the stresses inflicted on the body of the pitcher resulting from employ of/reliance on long-stride/wide-base conventional baseball pitching-mechanics.

Most importantly, ALL of the above in reference to adverse affects on pitching-performance and damage to the health of the pitcher ARE ABSOLUTELY AVOIDABLE by reason of eliminating long-stride/wide-base conventional baseball pitching-mechanics.


For the purpose of illustration, imagine positioning yourself on the left side of the Base of each of the above Triangle images and lifting the Base upward from that end toward the goal of flipping (in line with its Base) each Triangle in the direction indicated by the curved arrows onto its right side.

By far (simple physics at work), Triangle "C" above (with its wide Base) would be the most difficult to flip onto its right side. 

The above mental exercise is, of course, two-dimensional and imaginary.  Nevertheless, it clearly illustrates the physical challenge (the inefficiency) confronted in overcoming a long-stride/wide-base, current conventional mechanics for pitching a baseball pitching-delivery, which, again, adversely affects pitching-performance factors and the health of the pitcher.

In stark contrast, the short-step/narrow-base Triangle (as is the case with Triangle "A" above) produced in execution of Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane is extremely efficient toward eliminating premature Linear movement, maximizing Rotational Movement & Acceleration and, thereby, harnessing unequalled pitching-performance and health of the pitcher benefits, because, in execution of an Outman Methodology™ pitching-delivery, it is very easy, efficient, effective and efficacious rotationally to "topple" that narrow/short-Base Isosceles Triangle formed between the ground and the legs & feet of the pitcher.


It is true that much earlier and long ago iterations of (25 years ago and more from the date of this composition) conventional baseball pitching-mechanics generally employed a long stride, and, therefore, a wide Base.

However (and this is a big "however"), that much earlier and long ago long-stride/wide-Base baseball pitching-delivery execution included the momentum-producing (highly assistive toward overcoming the position-altering resistance/stability of that long/wide-Base of the Triangle) free-foot rearward step, high, free-foot/front-leg swing/kick and sweeping (in the direction of the catcher) employ of the glove-arm (which was how I pitched in my youth). 

In reference to what in the present constitutes a conventional baseball pitching-delivery, attempting to compensate by other means for that now lost, momentum-producing execution associated with the much earlier and long ago conventional pitching-delivery is inferior because it is unavoidably  damaging to the health of modern-day baseball pitchers.

Whether current conventional baseball pitching-mechanics or much earlier and long ago iterations of what then constituted conventional baseball pitching-mechanics, "static-stance starting-position" advanced overall mechanical execution finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitching on the vertical plane is altogether superior in every way.

Just for the record, the "static-stance starting-position" distance between the bottom of the great toe on my rear pivot-Foot and the bottom of the great Toe and Ball of my front pivot-foot (heel of my front pivot-foot exceedingly elevated) in execution of Outman Methodology™ pitching-deliveries is in a range of 3 feet to 3 1/2 feet (the length of the Base of my Triangle, in other words). 

That 3 to 3 1/2 foot long/wide Base is in relationship to the length of my legs relative to my height of around 6'1".

 Copyright 12-10-2018
St. Louis, MO USA