(This composition remains on this site being archived in plain sight. Having continued to follow the science, Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing Static-Stance Starting-PositionⓒAdvanced Overall Mechanical Execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the Vertical Plane has become the culmination of my Engineering Efforts. Major League baseball, however, yet persists in not following the science.)
Nearly nineteen years ago (as of the copyright date at the bottom of this page), when my methodology for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane was in its infancy, my methodology empirically, visually, easily observably demonstrated very, very high level baseball pitching performance in competition.
Also, nearly nineteen years ago, when my methodology for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane was in its infancy, on first exposure to my methodology, on first visually observing my methodology, those individuals who:
a) Were sufficiently educated in the physical sciences,
b) Had personal experience pitching a baseball competitively and
c) Had "no skin in the game" ("no skin in the game" meaning they were not developing, promoting, endorsing or monetarily investing in an alternative employ of the human physiology for pitching a baseball)
were enabled scientifically (based on the physical sciences) both to recognize and to acknowledge the altogether mechanical superiority (way back then) of my methodology over all the variations on the theme of the conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball.
Being a "perfectionist" (driven to improve on the "State of the Art", set on advancing beyond the status quo), I continued working toward improving on my methodology during the course of the ensuing nearly nineteen years even when, at several points in time, I considered that I likely could not improve on it further.
Now, however, with the development of advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane incorporating advanced the "Now Moment", I believe that I have arrived at the point beyond which I cannot further refine, simplify or consolidate/condense my methodology and, therefore, beyond which I cannot more precisely tailor my methodology to the pitching-related demands of the sport of baseball.
In short, I have believe that I have arrived at the culmination (the perfection) of my engineering efforts in the development of Finalized Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane, which culmination is devoid of any and all mechanical execution concessions and compromises to the physical sciences illiteracy of Major League Baseball that I had previously incorporated.
In its infancy nearly nineteen years ago, my vertical plane methodology was already altogether superior to every of the manifold variations on the theme of the long-stride, drive-from-the-rear-foot, conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball that Major League Baseball yet persists in requiring every pitcher to employ in spite of the fact that injuries to the pitching-arm (together with manifold other bodily injuries) relentlessly continue to mount while the incidence of high quality pitching-performance is rare at best.
Yet, while Major League Baseball has refused to evolve in a positive mechanics-of-pitching-a-baseball direction over the course of the past nearly nineteen years, I continued to improve on what, in its infancy, was already altogether superior to the long-stride, drive-from-the-rear-foot, conventional mechanical approach for pitching baseball.
That continued improvement has resulted in the culmination (the perfection) of my engineering efforts, which is advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane incorporating advanced the "Now Moment".
The culmination (the perfection) of my engineering efforts in the development of advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane incorporating advanced the "Now Moment" is superior to previously presented Finalized Outman Methodology™ mechanical execution (and is, therefore, even more altogether superior to all variations on the theme of the long-stride, drive-from-the-rear-foot, conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball), is easier correctly to execute than previously presented Finalized Outman Methodology™ mechanical execution and can be smoothly transitioned to by anyone who might be practicing and training toward gaining mastery over previously presented mechanical execution of Finalized Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane.
In its infancy nearly nineteen years ago, my vertical plane methodology was already altogether superior to every of the manifold variations on the theme of the long-stride, drive-from-the-rear-foot, conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball that Major League Baseball yet persists in requiring every pitcher to employ in spite of the fact that injuries to the pitching-arm (together with manifold other bodily injuries) relentlessly continue to mount while the incidence of high quality pitching-performance is rare at best.
Yet, while Major League Baseball has refused to evolve in a positive mechanics-of-pitching-a-baseball direction over the course of the past nearly nineteen years, I continued to improve on what, in its infancy, was already altogether superior to the long-stride, drive-from-the-rear-foot, conventional mechanical approach for pitching baseball.
That continued improvement has resulted in the culmination (the perfection) of my engineering efforts, which is advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane incorporating advanced the "Now Moment".
The culmination (the perfection) of my engineering efforts in the development of advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane incorporating advanced the "Now Moment" is superior to previously presented Finalized Outman Methodology™ mechanical execution (and is, therefore, even more altogether superior to all variations on the theme of the long-stride, drive-from-the-rear-foot, conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball), is easier correctly to execute than previously presented Finalized Outman Methodology™ mechanical execution and can be smoothly transitioned to by anyone who might be practicing and training toward gaining mastery over previously presented mechanical execution of Finalized Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane.
Copyright 4-2016
Saint Louis, MO USA