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18-The Dissipation of Deleterious Force in a Baseball Pitching-Delivery---By Fritz Outman


The ideas a) of identification of deleterious force in execution of a baseball pitching-delivery, b) of the importance of removal of deleterious force from execution of a baseball pitching-delivery and c) of how to remove deleterious force from execution of a baseball pitching-delivery is original in source to Outman Methodology™ for Pitching a Baseball on the Vertical Plane and Fritz Outman.

Relative to the behavior of a pitched-baseball on its flight to the catcher, associated with all movement & momentum related to execution of a baseball pitching-delivery is some degree of produced force.  

All force that is produced in association with all movement & momentum related to execution of a baseball pitching-delivery that is not dissipated (statically) before arriving at the fingertips of the pitching-Hand of the pitcher will be imprinted onto (dynamically, and, therefore, influence either positively or negatively the behavior of) the pitched-baseball on its flight to the catcher.

Not all force that is produced in association with all movement & momentum related to executing a baseball pitching delivery is beneficial/favorable. 

Some force produced in association with some movement & momentum related to executing a baseball pitching-delivery is force that is deleterious (harmful, damaging) in nature relative to the behavior of the pitched-baseball on its flight to the catcher (and damaging to the pitching-related health of the pitcher).

Therefore, all force produced in association with specific movement & momentum related to execution of a baseball pitching-delivery that is deleterious/harmful/damaging in nature to the behavior of the pitched-baseball on its flight to the catcher (and to the pitching-related health of the pitcher) must be dissipated statically before arriving at the fingertips of the pitching-Hand of the pitcher OR the specific movement & momentum that produces the particular deleterious force must itself be eliminated entirely from the pitching-delivery.

Significant deleterious force is produced in execution of every employ of the human physiology for pitching a baseball other than "static-stance starting-positionadvanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology Rotational Pitching on the vertical plane and all of that deleterious force is dissipated dynamically (detrimentally) throughout each pitching-delivery and to the release-point of the baseball from the pitching-Hand of the pitcher adversely affecting command over and movement of the pitched baseball in particular (as well as to the pitching-related health of the pitcher). 


What elements of a conventional baseball pitching-delivery produce significant deleterious force that cannot be dissipated statically and that, therefore, is dynamically imprinted on the pitched-baseball negatively influencing its flight to the catcher?

The elements of a conventional baseball pitching-delivery producing deleterious force negatively influencing the behavior of the pitched-baseball on its flight to the catcher (as well as to the pitching-related health of the pitcher) are: Stepping reward with the "free" Foot, lifting/swinging/kicking the "free" Leg and Foot, long-striding in the direction of the catcher with the "free" Leg and Foot, "driving" from the "pivot" Foot and Leg to propel the body of the pitcher linearly in the direction of the catcher. 


Conversely, execution of Overhand Tennis Serve Technique Employing "Static-Stance Starting-Position" Advanced Overall Mechanical Execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingon the Vertical Plane "dissipates" deleterious force preventing it, thereby, from being imprinted onto the pitched-baseball and negatively affecting its behavior on its flight to the catcher BY ELIMINATING the conventional (or other) mechanical employ of the human body for pitching a baseball elements that produce, that create deleterious force.

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St. Louis, MO USA