In evaluating Finalized Outman Methodology™, as you view the video-clips of the pitching-deliveries on the home page, forget high-speed, freeze-frame bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic pitching-delivery video analysis, which as it has been applied to baseball pitching-mechanics, amounts to nothing more than "pop culture" science.
High-speed, freeze-frame bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic pitching-delivery video analysis is the rage, for sure, and is the claimed means by which to arrive at "the best" employ of the human physiology for pitching a baseball.
It is readily accessible, it is easily adopted and, mainly, its application does not stray from the palatable and accepted conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball norm.
In terms of baseball pitching-mechanics, it doesn't "rock the boat".
Most certainly it does not, cannot truly improve on the "state of the art" of baseball pitching-mechanics.
It cannot advance the development of baseball pitching-mechanics beyond the long-established and entrenched status quo of conventional baseball pitching-mechanics.
Unfortunately, a whole, whole lot of people (far, far too many people) in the entirety of the baseball community are easily (far, far too easily) mesmerized and impressed by the vacuous product (the measured & computed numbers generated together with the related assertions & assumptions) of high-speed, freeze-frame bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic video analysis of baseball pitching-deliveries.
Factually (and unfortunately for that whole, whole lot of people), bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic analysis holds no possibility ever of arriving at, of producing "the best" employ of the human physiology for pitching a baseball...not a chance.
Because bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic analysis is far too narrow in scope and far too myopic in focus, which is in stark contrast to the broad, mechanical engineering approach that I employed in the engineering of Outman Methodology™ for pitching a baseball on the vertical plane.
Is it possible that validity does exist relative to some range of the assertions and assumptions made about the meaning and the ramifications of the measured and computed numbers produced in result of bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic analysis of baseball pitching-deliveries?
Yes, it is possible. However, even with validation, as already stated, high-speed, freeze-frame bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic video analysis of baseball pitching-deliveries holds no possibility ever of arriving at, of producing "the best" employ of the human physiology for pitching a baseball.
As to validating the baseball pitching associated assertions and assumptions derived from high-speed, freeze-frame bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic video analysis generated measurements and computations, to the best of my knowledge, no organized, legitimate, comprehensive, long-term study (the details of which I elaborated on in a piece included in an earlier iteration of this blog site, but which I will not include in this iteration) has ever been conducted for that very purpose.
Such a study would, of course, be long term, very, very involved/detailed and, yes, very, very expensive, which fact leaves me unsurprised that the short-cut of cadaver studies was substituted for an organized, legitimate, comprehensive, long-term study.
Cadaver studies effectively reduce the status of high-speed, freeze-frame bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic video analysis as it is applied to baseball pitching-mechanics from "pop culture" science to junk science.
In any case, pursuing said study would be a colossal waste of money, time and effort for the cause that I have already engineered the best employ of the human physiology for pitching a baseball in the form of Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the vertical plane by means of employing a broad, mechanical engineering approach that included full consideration of the environment within which we human beings live, function and pitch baseballs; the physical laws that govern that environment; the workings of the human physiology within that environment as governed by physical laws; and, last but not least, the demands of the sport of baseball on the position of pitcher.
Therefore, as you view the video-clips of the pitching-delivery linked to on the home page of this site or viewed directly on my Youtube channel, bear in mind that:
Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "Static-stance Starting-Positionⓒ" Advanced Overall Mechanical Execution FINALIZED OUTMAN METHODOLOGY™ ROTATIONAL PITCHINGⓒon the vertical plane ABSOLUTELY is the most precise, highest performing, most efficient, most effective, least complex (most simple), least injurious (BEST) employ of the human physiology for pitching a baseball ever (or that ever will be) engineered in the history of the sport of baseball anywhere on the face of planet earth irrefutably substantiated by historical, repeated, empirical demonstration on the mound in actual competition and by the physical sciences.
What is stated in the above paragraph is not simply "marketing hype", is not simply intended to be attention grabbing or plainly controversial, is not overstated.
What is stated above is factual; is empirically (repeatedly on the mound in actual competition) and scientifically (physical sciences) substantiated.
The altogether superiority of my methodology, Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the vertical plane, stands on its own merit both empirically in terms of baseball pitching-performance and scientifically in terms of baseball pitching-mechanics.
Lastly, as you view those pitching-delivery video-clips, bear in mind, also:
a) I have ever and only taught baseball pitching-mechanics that I have personally employed.
b) I currently pitch a baseball employing the mechanics that I have both engineered and teach.
c) I currently competitively pitch a baseball employing the mechanics that I have both engineered and teach.
d) I know from current, personal experience precisely how execution of the baseball pitching-mechanics that I have both engineered and teach physically feels, physically functions in actual employ.
e) At the age of 73+, as of this updated version of this composition (9-2023), employing the baseball pitching-mechanics that I have both engineered and teach, I am yet able to execute into the hundreds of pitches per pitching-session, to execute into the hundreds of pitches per pitching-session more than once in less than a 24 hour period and to execute into the hundreds of pitches per pitching-session multiple days in succession without injury to the elbow of my pitching-arm or to my pitching-shoulder all the while improving both my baseball pitching-performance ("practice makes perfect") and my baseball pitching-related physical conditioning!
In contrast (perhaps, in stark contrast) to "a" through "e" above:
f) How many among the Major League Baseball "Pitch Smart" crowd (the so-called "foremost authority on baseball pitching-mechanics") have never been a baseball pitcher?
g) Of those among the "Pitch Smart" crowd who have ever been a baseball pitcher, how many are currently pitching a baseball at all; how many are currently pitching a baseball competitively; how many have ever pitched a baseball at all employing the pitching-mechanics that they currently promote/endorse; how many are currently pitching a baseball employing the baseball pitching-mechanics that they currently promote/endorse; and how many are currently competitively pitching a baseball employing the baseball pitching-mechanics that they currently promote/endorse (which would enable them from current personal experience to know how execution of the baseball pitching-mechanics that they currently promote/endorse physically feels, physically functions in actual employ)??
Before you go gaga over the so-called "foremost authority on baseball pitching-mechanics" Major League Baseball "Pitch Smart" crowd (or any bio-mechanic/homo-kinetic based & recommended baseball pitching-mechanics) and choose to rely on "protecting" your pitching-arm employing the "snake oil" that the "Pitch Smart" crowd is promoting, you might want to take a moment to give very careful and serious consideration to and very thoroughly to research "f" and "g" above.
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Saint Louis, MO USA