Unlike all of the manifold variations on the theme of the conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball, Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the Vertical Plane is engineered in respect of the "Principle of Simplicity" ("No entity should be multiplied unnecessarily." or, alternatively, "Keep it simple, Stupid!").
By respecting the "Principle of Simplicity", the entirety of the pitching-delivery is streamlined a) to keep the total number of physical movements executed to a minimum, b) to consolidate movements into simultaneity where possible, practical and beneficial in terms both of pitching-performance factors and of the health of the pitcher c) statically to dissipate all movement, motion and momentum produced deleterious force that (if dissipated dynamically) would imprint on and adversely affect the behavior of the pitched-baseball during its flight to the catcher and d) to be enabled consistently to achieve a reliably repeatable Rhythm and Pace from pitching-delivery to pitching-delivery, which all movements associated with execution of each Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the vertical plane pitching-deliveries achieve cohesively and synergistically.
Extremely importantly, unlike every of the manifold variations on the theme of the conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball (or any mechanical approach for pitching a baseball other than Finalized Outman Methodology™), Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the Vertical Plane conforms to/with and, thereby, exploits all physical laws that immutably, inexorably and inviolably govern the living, functioning and pitching of a baseball by the human physiology in the physical environment within which our human physiology lives, functions and pitches a baseball, while satisfying all of the performance-related demands of the sport of baseball relative to pitching a baseball and reducing to a far far, far lesser likelihood a pitcher suffering injury either to the elbow of the pitching-arm or the to the pitching-shoulder or of developing Thoracic Outlet Syndrome.
Additionally, unlike all variations on the theme of the conventional mechanical approach for pitching a baseball, which are plagued by premature and excess linear movement in the direction of the catcher and by pitching-delivery variables (variables produce variability of result or, stated alternatively, inconsistency) that are directly related to the violation of multiple physical laws in execution of every pitching-delivery, Overhand Tennis Serve Technique employing "static-stance starting-positionⓒ" advanced overall mechanical execution Finalized Outman Methodology™ Rotational Pitchingⓒ on the vertical plane is precise in its execution (being engineered to deliver a pitched-strike every time when correctly executed) thereby presenting the individual employing it with constants throughout the pitching-delivery, which constants are identical from pitching-delivery to pitching-delivery and from individual pitcher to individual pitcher producing consistency of altogether superior pitching-performance results.
A few of the physical laws/theorems/principles/properties that are respected, conformed to and exploited in correct execution of Finalized Outman Methodology™ are: The "Principle of Simplicity"; Gravity; Newton's Theorems on Motion; No two objects of matter can occupy the same space at the same time; The longer accelerating force is applied to an object the higher the velocity of that object when accelerating force ceases to be applied; Angles and physical orientations of greatest leverage; Points of greatest leverage; Moments of greatest leverage, torsion and torque; The production, maintenance, transmission, application and dissipation of force.
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Saint Louis, MO USA